Category: getting your outcome

Non-Scary Risk Taking

Non-Scary Risk Taking by Colle Davis Today’s MyCoach’s Notes creates surprising and often immediate results. Are you READY? “The bigger the risk, the bigger the rewards.” This statement carries some implied acceptance that one is willing to take risks. What is not said is that taking risks of any size that don’t work will still …

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Fear of Success or Fear of Failure 

Fear of Success or Fear of Failure  by Colle Davis Which fear is driving your life? Do you even know?  What must happen for you to tame and direct the energy in that fear to drive your success? The beginning of my coaching career involved taking on anyone who came through the door with the …

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Meeting Fatigue (The Cure for the Meeting Oppressed) 

Meeting Fatigue (The Cure for the Meeting Oppressed)  By Colle Davis Decades ago, some meetings were considered informative and productive events. They were ‘meaty meetings’ where leaders aimed to increase productivity guidelines. These guidelines are still valid and increase the time value of everyone’s time and talents if they are planned and conducted to achieve …

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Are You Ready to Be a Kingmaker?

Are You Ready to be a Kingmaker?  By Coach Colle Davis History Machiavelli’s The Prince was written in the 15th and 16th Centuries during the era of monarchs and cruel despots. The author offered advice to those seeking a higher station, the sycophants, schemers, and hangers-on in the realm, who wanted to stay alive by …

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Your Only Job

Your Only Job By Coach Colle Davis If you are in sales and good at selling, you bypass or override other people’s objections to get the deal. It is your job, you love it, and in most cases, it pays well. If a prospect allows you to give them a presentation, they are already looking for …

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