Author's posts

Are You Who You Want to Be?

Are You Who You Want to Be? By Colle Davis Are you happy with who you are today? This question is difficult to answer because it implies unhappiness or discomfort with the person lugging your brain around. Being unhappy is seen as tiring and boring and is not easy or cheap to cure. Who do …

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MyCoach’s Notes: Notice of Termination

Notice of Termination  By Colle Davis Leaving a job can sometimes feel like a whirlwind, especially when faced with the formalities of corporate protocol. While the traditional two-week notice may seem like a courtesy extended to employers, the reality often contrasts sharply with the treatment employees receive upon termination. The corporate world insists on forcing …

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MyCoach’s Notes: The Path to Elegance: Leading with Grace and Efficiency

The Path to Elegance: Leading with Grace and Efficiency by Colle Davis In the intricate dance of leadership, elegance is not merely a matter of aesthetics; it is a strategic approach that yields efficient and effective results. Just as a mathematician seeks the most succinct solution, a leader aims for the most streamlined path to …

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My Coach’s Notes: Pain of Divorce

Pain of Divorce By Colle Davis Several years ago, a lady came to me and asked if I could help her do something about the pain of her divorce. Having been through the process myself several decades ago, I nodded and inquired as to what specifically she wanted to know. She said, “When I have to …

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MyCoach’s Notes: A Superlative World

A Superlative World by Colle Davis In a news-driven atmosphere, the lead goes to the headline/story that creates the greatest emotional response. The old press dictum: if it bleeds, it leads, is alive and screaming at the world. Emotions are ranked by how much response they generate. Negative emotions are far more powerful than positive …

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MyCoach’s Notes: Change to Achieve Success

Change to Achieve Success By Colle Davis “Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their mind cannot change anything.” – Bernard Shaw. You are in charge of your success. Yes, luck plays a big part (see Fooled by Randomness by N. N. Taleb for more on this). Your ability to be flexible, accept …

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Mycoach’s Notes: Class Corruption

Class Corruption  By Colle Davis There is a problem with class corruption. Wealthy, privileged individuals and families act as bullies. They feel and act entitled and demand respect from those around them. This demand for respect extends to their peers who understand the rules of the upper levels of society and can respond appropriately. Treating …

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MyCoach’s Notes: Habits Are Easy; Change is Hard

Habits are Easy; Change is Hard by Colle Davis Habits run on very little energy; think of them as an automatic pilot, barely requiring any effort or energy to do their job. They need so little drain, are accessible, run without effort, and trap us in thinking we are doing a great job. Our lives …

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Are You Ready for the Real You?

Are You Ready for the Real You? By Colle Davis What would you be, act, and function like if the real you were here? You know the person you always wanted to be and be seen as. Yes, that one. What has to happen for you to step into that persona? What must you do …

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Extract Accurate Information: Turn on Spotlight and LISTEN

Extract Accurate Information: Turn on Spotlight and LISTEN Colle Davis, a Senior Level Executive Coach The din of life dulls the mind’s ability to separate the noise from the signal, the real message. When you’re talking, you stop listening. When listening, you gather information to serve the person talking. Extracting the maximum amount of usable …

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