Author's posts

Fear of Success or Fear of Failure 

Fear of Success or Fear of Failure  by Colle Davis Which fear is driving your life? Do you even know?  What must happen for you to tame and direct the energy in that fear to drive your success? The beginning of my coaching career involved taking on anyone who came through the door with the …

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Five Steps for Protecting Your Mind

Five Steps for Protecting Your Mind – By Colle Davis With a reality mindset, how can you be relevant yet maintain your sanity? It is all propaganda. That includes everything you see in the media or hear or read anywhere. All of it, even what you produce, shows your partiality and, yes, even your bias.  …

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Sunk Cost  By Colle Davis Your past is not important. What you learned from your past is invaluable. Everything paid for in the past is termed a ‘sunk cost.’ That cost is no longer useful or accurate. The impact is confirmed on a spreadsheet, BUT the effect has worn off, and a new perspective is …

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Meeting Fatigue (The Cure for the Meeting Oppressed) 

Meeting Fatigue (The Cure for the Meeting Oppressed)  By Colle Davis Decades ago, some meetings were considered informative and productive events. They were ‘meaty meetings’ where leaders aimed to increase productivity guidelines. These guidelines are still valid and increase the time value of everyone’s time and talents if they are planned and conducted to achieve …

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Different is the New Difference

Different is the Difference by Colle Davis If you continue to do what you have always done, you will continue to get what you’ve always gotten. It’s old news. It’s the same old ‘been there, done that.’ The pandemic-induced isolation forced the opportunity for us to vary our routines. The ones that worked, we’ll keep. …

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Sorting for Success

Sorting for Successby Colle Davis Your world is based on what you see/feel/understand. In other words, what you sort for, and how you respond to what you experience. Viewing risk as an opportunity or something to be feared influences how you react to the world. Leaders who understand how to present information specific to each …

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Are You Ready to Be a Kingmaker?

Are You Ready to be a Kingmaker?  By Coach Colle Davis History Machiavelli’s The Prince was written in the 15th and 16th Centuries during the era of monarchs and cruel despots. The author offered advice to those seeking a higher station, the sycophants, schemers, and hangers-on in the realm, who wanted to stay alive by …

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Your Only Job

Your Only Job By Coach Colle Davis If you are in sales and good at selling, you bypass or override other people’s objections to get the deal. It is your job, you love it, and in most cases, it pays well. If a prospect allows you to give them a presentation, they are already looking for …

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Labor Shortage? Hire Old People

Labor Shortage? Hire Old People– by Coach Colle’s Office Colle bias reveal: I am an older gent. Many of my clients are also older, meaning over 45, and I’m drawing from over three decades of executive coaching experience; older is a better value proposition. When you have openings and want to shorten the transition time …

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Stop Giving People Choices

Stop Giving People Choicesby Coach Colle Davis As a leader, stop giving people choices. By doing so, you will prevent them from struggling with decisions that most people are not trained to make. Instead of providing people with a choice, offer them a time frame to complete the task you want them to do. An …

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