The Advantages of Quiet Quitting – QQ
-by Coach Colle Davis
The trending term Quiet Quitting is shorthand for doing your job as required according to your job description, but you will not do more or less, and you will simply perform your duties consistently. Your behaviors are easy to define and measure, and you will be paid to fulfill them.
Here is the rub. The company expects you to do MORE of everything you’ve been hired to do for the same money and perks. Who is delusional? Them? Or you?
There is an odd analogy to this phenomenon; if you quit your current job and you’re hired by a new company, your new job will (in most cases) pay you more, but if you decide to return to your original job, they may pay you more. WAIT A MINUTE! Why don’t they pay you more for doing more in the first place? This is the question we are addressing today.
Quiet Quitting means you suddenly realize you are not being rewarded for using your skills, talents, abilities, contacts, and company history for the benefit of the organization, and now, you’ve decided you are not going along with the same-same situation anymore. Let’s call this an oversight by your employer by screwing the employees or exploiting them (choose which one is more accurate in your case).
An interesting factoid pointed out by a good friend who proofed a draft of this article said, “Regarding Quiet Quitting’s first letters, QQ, it is an emoticon is for crying eyes.” How appropriate.
Now let’s look at two solutions to Quiet Quitting.
Admit it. It’s time for you to ask for a raise. Asking for money is difficult for many people because the company may have an Internal Policy regarding raises. Coach Colle suggests you ignore the policy and ask for a raise every three months. Here is the logic involved; if you are asking every three months, no matter what the company policy is, your boss will begin to realize your true worth and may think, “They’re serious about this.”
You may not get a raise the first time or two you ask. The asking is the important part. The chances of getting a raise every three months are slim, but here is what you can expect.
- If the company offers a 3% annual raise, ask for a 5% raise every three months. Here is the math; IF you ask and get one 5% raise, you are ahead of the game. If you ask for 5% and only get a 3% raise twice in one year, you are ahead. If you do not get the raises, leave your job, and they will pay you more to return.
- The reason this tactic works so well is called The Law of Reciprocity. They can turn you down cold if you make an unreasonable request (say, 10%). However, when you are the asker, it plants the seed, and they have to make a counteroffer. Here is the fun part; they will not make an offer out loud; you must push them for it.
- Here is an example of a killer push, “Then how much of a raise will you give me?” They have to make a counteroffer; humans are wired that way. This behavior is based on how our society is structured. If you cannot give someone what they want, you can offer them a lesser amount to satisfy their request. Then BE SILENT and WAIT for their response. Your tendency may be to babble and defend your ask but resist the urge.
- They may hem-and-haw, but they are forced to consider the percentages for denying your raise. Trust me; they are calculating your worth to the company at your current wage. Asking every three months softens them and allows them time to figure out a strategy to give you a raise.
There are some powerful enhancements to the process. Make yourself indispensable, let everyone know you are there to help them with their career, and tell everyone about your accomplishments and wins. It is called PR, good marketing, or blowing your own horn, and it is necessary in the world of corporate intrigue and rot.
Here is another option to consider instead of Quiet Quitting.
- The second option for added leverage is a far more insidious tactic; go public with an honest story about how the company treats its employees. News spreads fast on social media sites such as TikTok and Facebook.
- Do you have the guts to ask for a raise while letting your employer/boss know you’ve considered Quiet Quitting and decided to ask for what you are worth? (The complications in that sentence may not get through my editor, but it explains the essence of the leverage you possess. The ball is in your court.)
What do you have to lose? How will a 5% raise impact your life?
What will you do with the ‘extra’ money?
The longer you postpone asking for a raise, the less time you will have to enjoy the fruits of your risk-taking. If you need a nudge or two, contact me, I’m good at nudging. Let’s chat.

Colle Davis, Executive Coach
For more help, encouragement, or to turbocharge your life, call or email me. Iam a Senior Level Master Coach and Certified Hypnotist with over 30 years of helping corporate clients. Reserve your free twenty-minute Zoom call with me, and your life will never be the same. 804-467-1536 EST In the meantime, stay safe and have fun.