Next Exit Syndrome
– by Colle Davis

Picture the following scenario: You are driving down the freeway, and suddenly it occurs to you that you must have missed your exit. You ask yourself, “How is that possible? I was paying attention and have been on this road many times before, so how could I have missed my exit?” At this point, you may experience discomfort and even begin to sweat and experience a rapid heartbeat. You may resort to cursing aloud or yelling at yourself for seeming unsure of where you are. Sound familiar?
- The phrase next exit syndrome describes this feeling of confusion and anticipation that results from feeling lost. Often this disorientation can seem so strong that you even plan to get off at the next exit and go back to see where you went wrong. I have even considered pulling over to check Google Maps.
- This next exit syndrome produces a moment or two of fear, panic, frustration, anger, and even rage at. . .whom? Usually, this rage is directed at yourself as you mutter, “How could I be so (absent-minded, spaced out, or fill in the blank)?” After you recover from your initial shock of thinking you have missed your exit, you realize the exit you wanted to take in the first place is around the next bend! “Magic?” you think? No, it was not magic; it was a premonition you did not recognize when you thought you had missed your exit.
This example begs the question, “Does this mean that you have the power to look into the future and recognize an opportunity is poised to present itself to you even if you are distracted?” Seeing into the future happens more often when you are distracted. |
What can you do to harness this incredible power that you have just discovered? You can now make your dreams come true at lightning speed because now you will see the signs of success ahead of time and be prepared to take that ramp to your next level or opportunity. Yes, you will have to do a bit of planning to prepare yourself for that ‘opportunity ramp’ when it comes into view. To harness this gift, remain expectant and ready to see the signs that are the keys to your future. And remember, it is okay to be confused and distracted occasionally. It is a signal your mind is giving you saying, “HEY, wake up . . . here is the next turn in your life.”
What do you have to clean up, change, or learn to let success overwhelm you and become your way of life? What can set you on ‘the path’ that you need to follow with a big grin on your face every day? Here is a secret, “You already have all the knowledge you will ever need to succeed.” I have been coaching for more than forty years, and with a couple of rare exceptions, all my clients have had all the knowledge they needed for success before I ever met them. They required a super cheerleader who would hold them accountable for their actions.
- How does it feel to find out that you can sense the future?
- How does it feel to know that you can control the rate of your success and that you can design the life you want?
This awareness is as spooky as the next exit syndrome when you first discover you have this kind of power. Your challenge is to notice any time you feel that you missed something important and cannot figure out what it was. Then become hyper-aware of what comes to your attention because the opportunity is knocking on the door of your future. Your job is to answer the knock.
Whatever issues you may have, now is the time to let go of the missed opportunites, retain the learning, and arrive at your goals quickly and elegantly. Sign up for a FREE chat and a Free coaching session.
Book a free session with me, and I guarantee you will learn one valuable tool for influencing people—all that in thirty minutes or less. Sign up today. Set up a complimentary meeting via Zoom.
For more suggestions about learning your value or coaching insights, contact me, Colle Davis, or 804-467-1536 (EST).