Is Your Ideal Customer in Enough Pain?

Is Your Ideal Customer in Enough Pain?

By Colle Davis, Executive Coach

I have made a deal with Aladdin to grant you one wish. If you’re smart, you’ll wish to be a mind reader. Let’s discuss ways to act as if you are.

The more you know about your audience/prospect/customer, the more impact you have on their choices. The time spent researching them increases your payback and ROI many times over.

Too often, we pour out the beautiful features of our whizzbang product/service without knowing what the prospects want for an outcome by doing business with you.

“Talking your customer to death is called selling.”Colle Davis, Executive Coach

You want your prospect to buy from you, and the best way to close the deal is to share the benefit that addresses their pain or problem.

outcome based behaviors

Use this template to help others focus on their pain and their outcomes.

  1. What do they want for an outcome? Ask them directly. They may have a hard time telling you, so listen carefully. They will tell you everything, even things they do not mean to share when you shut up and listen.
  2. What resources can you or your company provide to them to help reach their goal? If your organization can provide what they need, be prepared to deliver it; if not, refer them to someone who can.
  3.  What will their life be like when they achieve their goal/outcome? Listen to their goals and dreams, because your success depends on helping them get there.

When you know their wants or needs and point out the benefits you provide, you are making the best use of everyone’s time. When they buy what you provide, both parties win. Be prepared to deliver on time and within budget.

Everything is personal, even in business. The only reason you are there is to work out the details of delivery. Be smart, listen carefully, stop talking, ask questions, and compliment freely. Your life will improve in a hurry.

POOF! You are now a mind reader. Now go out there and do good in the world.


For more help, encouragement, or to turbocharge your life, call or email me.

Colle Davis is a Senior Level Master Coach and Certified Hypnotist with over 30 years of helping corporate clients. Reserve your free twenty-minute Zoom call with me, and your life will never be the same. 

 cd****@my*****.com  804-467-1536 EST In the meantime, stay safe and have fun.

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