
Fear/Anxiety vs. Phobia

Fear/Anxiety vs. Phobia

by Colle Davis

Senior Executive Coach and Master Business Strategist for over 30 years
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The fear of flying or using elevators is real, traumatic, and life distorting.

Being anxious or afraid of experiencing a similar event and still being able to do it, (some people use alcohol or drugs to get through the experience) then you have a fear.

Any fear can reduce a person’s enjoyment and restrict their choices.


For example, a woman called me and asked if her fear of elevators could be cured. She planned to have lunch with her husband at the restaurant on the 18th floor. She had done it before but had always had someone else in the elevator with her. I suggested she stop by my office so we could talk about it. After talking with her for twenty minutes, she left and went to meet her husband.

Later she called me, and she was laughing. She was late to lunch because she rode the elevator over a dozen times to enjoy her new-found freedom. Her husband did not believe her, so she took him out to the elevators, got on by herself and rode down. It took him a few days to accept her new freedom.


A successful businessman was referred to me by his massage therapist because he had a deep fear of flying and his job depended on flying to meetings with clients all over the country. He arrived at my office four hours before his flight, and before he started drinking to calm himself in preparation for the flight. A half-hour later, he was on his way, not to a bar, but to buy some gifts for his kids before his flight. He called me from his destination city laughing and said he had enjoyed the flight because he was not drunk. The person picking him from the airport was surprised to see he was sober and having fun.

Our limitations are impactful and often last a lifetime, but they are easily ‘cured.’ This shift in perception allows a person to return or enter a normal, non-fearful life. The process takes about 20 minutes. It’s permanent, and if a tune up is needed (as happens in rare instances), then another 15-minute process fixes the problem.

The Five-Minute Phobia Cure was originally called The Twenty Minute Phobia Cure, but it never took that twenty minutes for the phobia to be eliminated. For most people, the entire process from the initial greeting and settling into a comfortable chair and then completing the process and walking out the door never takes more than ten minutes. The process itself takes less than five minutes.

Here is the best part, you do not have to reveal what your fear/anxiety is to me for the process to be effective; it’s done in your head and directed by me with thirty years of experience and thousands of happy clients.

This process is also used to reduce the emotional effect of any kind of trauma. This includes car accidents, near drowning, combat, beatings and other impactful events in one’s life. The process is the same and the time is slightly longer.


Now let’s discuss the bigger, scarier, and more impactful life distorter,phobias. Phobias begin with a single traumatic experience generally from a person’s middle teen years. This event produces an upsetting sequence of feelings and responses occurring each time the phobia returns.

Claustrophobia (fear of enclosed spaces and a common phobia), agoraphobia (fear of open spaces), spiders, snakes, and any other triggers slam a phobia sufferer back into the cauldron of feeling produced by the original event.

Here is an example of a phobia cure: A client, was referred to me by her chiropractor because she could not drive on the freeway, not even if someone was with her. She wanted to be able to drive a more direct route to take her daughter to-and-from school. Driving on local roads was tough, but she managed to do that and live a fairly normal life. Her husband was not sympathetic or supportive.

The client came to my office, we went through the greeting and she told me what she wanted for an outcome and I walked her through The Five-Minute Phobia Cure, and she was on her way in fifteen minutes. She drove from my office to the nearest freeway and spent an hour cruising and laughing.

Another client, a woman could not be in a room with the doors closed. She had all the doors in her house removed, causing some interesting interactions. I was visiting her adult daughter and she suggested her mother work with me. Here is where this gets funny.

The mother did not know me, what I did or why I was at her daughter’s house. I suggested we ‘talk’ for a few minutes about what I did, and I asked her if she would mind closing her eye while I ask her some questions. No problem. We went through The Five-Minute Phobia Cureprocess, she opened her eyes, stood up walked over to the door going upstairs, opened it, walk through, closed it and started laughing, opened the door and came back into the room. Her daughter (who had grown up in a house with no doors) could not believe it. Her mom was delighted and did the door routine several times. Her daughter cried.


These two processes are different and they both produce permanent results. The relief and freedom by letting go of these restrictive old patterns is hard to imagine. Make an appointment with me and have your fear/phobia removed and live your life in a happier mood.

Call today and we’ll talk about what you want for an outcome. Be prepared to suspend your disbelief and enjoy a fun twenty-minute chat with me. Your life will never be the same. I’m located fifteen minutes North of Richmond, Virginia. 804-467-1536.

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